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Workoshop, lectures and exhibition at Orthodox Academy of Crete!!!

During 11, 12 and 13 of March at the Orthodox Academy of Crete were held by Manolis Metzakis one workshop on “Portrait”, one lecture on “Cretan style of Portrait making”, one lecture on “The light of the darkroom: The role of Photography before and after the end of life”, and one lecture on “photo and cinema, differences and similarities”. After the lecture was the ceremony of the photo exhibition of Manolis Metzakis “El Greco”. The director of the movie Mr. Ioannis Smaragdis and the director of photography Mr. Aris Stavrou were present at the ceremony. The last day were lectures on “Composition in photography” to four schools!!!

Workoshop, lectures and exhibition at Orthodox Academy of Crete!!!

Workoshop, lectures and exhibition at Orthodox Academy of Crete!!!