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Two awards and three acceptances, the results of the submited photos, in the international salon of fin art photography “2nd Quilmes 2009” in Argentina.

Two awards and three acceptances, the results of the submited photos, in the international salon of fin art photography "2nd Quilmes 2009" in Argentina.

The awarded photos are: "Longji" and "Devin"

The acceptances photos are: "Our little girl", "Father and son" and "Rice field"

Two awards and three acceptances, the results of the submited photos, in the international salon of fin art photography "2nd Quilmes 2009" in Argentina.  Longji


Two awards and three acceptances, the results of the submited photos, in the international salon of fin art photography "2nd Quilmes 2009" in Argentina.  Devin


Two awards and three acceptances, the results of the submited photos, in the international salon of fin art photography "2nd Quilmes 2009" in Argentina.  Our little girl


Two awards and three acceptances, the results of the submited photos, in the international salon of fin art photography "2nd Quilmes 2009" in Argentina.   Father and son


Two awards and three acceptances, the results of the submited photos, in the international salon of fin art photography "2nd Quilmes 2009" in Argentina.  Rice field

